CMU School of Drama

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

The Simple Equation Every Manager Needs To Build (Or Repair) Trust Anne Raimondi was stumped. Two people she managed weren’t getting along, and it was really impacting progress. In her private conversations with each of them, they had the same goals and wanted the same things. But in the room together, they’d disagree on everything. They’d quibble over the smallest things, avoid spending time together, and jump to assuming the worst about each other, even though they were ultimately on the same team.

1 comment:

Lily Kincannon said...

I found this article to be very informational and helpful when I think about working on a team and building trust. I feel like the second semester of freshmen year is very focused on group projects and the dynamics created when we are asked to work together. It is important to learn how to work as a team because pretty much any where you decide to work, not only in theater, you will have to work in a group of sorts and with people you may have known for years or you have just met in that moment. What I took away from this article is the importance of communicating and that they key to a good working relationship with someone is building trust. I liked that she pushes the idea of always communicating with your team, making sure the goals are the same, making sure they know what you are doing. Also to not be afraid to ask questions when you don’t know the answer. I also appreciate that in a group you need not forget that you aren’t the only one working hard.