CMU School of Drama

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

New film explores the best Broadway musicals you never saw

Chicago Sun-Times: If you’ve never heard of lavish musicals like “The Bathrooms Are Coming” or “Diesel Dazzle” you’re not alone. Yet, these elaborate productions have borrowed the talents of some of Broadway’s biggest names.

1 comment:

APJS said...

Wow, what a crazy thought. To think there was a whole series of musicals that no true theatre buff would have ever known. I am not even sure with the equivalent is for this now. The idea that entire stage productions are being created and produced just for the eyes of business people is a wild thought. I wonder if this shows are all specifically related to the client they were trying to serve? Would this shows have even been interesting to the main stream population? Could or would anyone actually consider reviving any of these shows? You know, on second thought I think the compatibles would be all these high tech cooperation events and Key Notes. Ive only seen photos of some and only because I am in the industry of some of these companies (Theatre). But I imagine the spectacle that could be found at these events might be on the same scale as a broadway musical right now. Maybe the context would not be considered a musical, but the event might be just as entertaining?