CMU School of Drama

Friday, April 27, 2018

When 'Black Panther's' Chadwick Boseman came to Pittsburgh to direct a play

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: In the fall of 2002, a young director with big, deep brown eyes came to Pittsburgh. He was here for four weeks to work with Kuntu Repertory, the venerable community theater group that produced dramas highlighting African-American life and culture.

1 comment:

APJS said...

I want to be like Chad. Chadwick Boesman has done something that I am striving for here are school. He has made it a priority to learning about his, our ancestral culture of Africans and Africa alike. While I struggle with this now it would be amazing to be able to have a true opinion and understand of the Homelands and what it meant to be black and African. I hope Chad dose more work here in Pittsburgh, but maybe he is too big a celebrity for little old Pittsburgh now? I think he is more humble than that. I would be interested in what subject matter we would work on now after the success Black Panther. Is Africa a theme he thinks needs more stories or is he ready for a different challenge? I guess well have to wait until after all these Avenger movies comes out so Chad can actually move on from his amazing role of the Panther.