CMU School of Drama

Monday, April 23, 2018

Recruiters Look At This More Than Your LinkedIn When it comes to getting your online profiles ready for a job search, you probably focus your attention on LinkedIn. However, a study by the job search website Simply Hired found that hiring managers are more likely to check your Instagram account.


Kelly Simons said...

Another click bait article. I should honestly stop clicking on these. Every time I think I am going to be reading something that is profound and crucial to professional development. But really, most of the time these lists are social media common sense mixed with anecdotes from the author or the person they interviewed. I think most people in my generation understand how to properly manage their social media accounts to display professional content. That doesn't mean that my peers don't have any fun though. Usually for more...illegal or professionally distasteful posts my generation will create secondary social media accounts. Most people have and Insta and then a Finsta. Insta accounts are for public viewing and are purposefully tailored to appeal to nearly everyone. Finsta accounts are for far less professional posts and allow the account owner to post anything they like without fear of potential employers seeing these posts.

APJS said...

This is a scary thought, that Broadway is becoming a theme park attraction. I have worked lived and played in theme parks most of my life, coming from the theme park state of Florida. I would hate for Broadway to loss its distinct differences from theme parks. But as scary as it is to think about I have to admit I feel the same way about Broadways trend right now. Don’t get me wrong I am so glad we have moved one from the era of revivals, but shows that are nothing more than transplants of movie hits, is not that much better. We really need more and better theatre writers. It’s unfortunate that this keeps happening. I mean I too was excited to see al these new shows coming out, that totally the Florida tourist in me. It’s so disheartening to here all he shows you were really excited about are not doing that well.