CMU School of Drama

Monday, April 02, 2018

Tempest in a #MeToo Pot

Chaz's Journal | Roger Ebert: The big news last weekend was the storm brewing on Trump’s horizon that refused to blow over: adult-film star Stormy Daniels, after building pressure for weeks, finally made landfall on “60 Minutes” with intimate details of her one-night fling with Donald J. Trump before he laid claim to the highest office in the land.

Some 60 years ago, another storm, a burlesque queen named “Tempest Storm” claimed to have bedded the young Senator John F. Kennedy from Massachusetts before he became—in the words of THE breathy blond Hollywood sex goddess—"Mr. President.” Ms. Tempest Storm, who just turned 90 and is the oldest burlesque queen alive, is the subject of an eponymous 2016 documentary about to premiere in Boston.


Unknown said...

This article proved to be an interesting read as it gave a more in depth take on the Stormy Daniels and Donald Trump fiasco that has been so present throughout the news over the past few weeks (months?). I honestly have kept myself out of reading much about the entire scandal, and only really knew the basics of this story-- that Donald Trump had had an affair with a porn star, Stormy Daniels, while he was married years ago. When I learned this there was no shock or surprise that crossed my mind, and the most interesting reaction to this scandal to me was that of Bernie Sanders, who could be seen shutting down any and all questions about the scandal whenever he was asked them on CNN, MSNBC, etc., citing things like gun control and health care as issues that we should be discussing instead of a presidential sex scandal. This article though, struck me most in Daniels' own comments about not wanting to be a victim of the "Me Too" movement. I don't see this as a me too story at all, but why else has this story come up other than to paint a picture of a predatorial Trump and a victim porn star?

Lily Kincannon said...

I find this article really incredibly interesting but less because of the #MeToo movement advertisement but as hearing the stories of two women who have a profession that most still consider taboo and unprofessional. Reading through their stories gave me the impression of two highly intelligent successful women. They took their careers seriously and were able to take care of themselves. I think it is important to hear about these stories of successful, powerful women and break past the ancient stereotypes put in place to make porn and stripping look so horrible. Also I agree with Stormy that she shouldnt be put in front of the #MeToo movement if it’s not a relatable story for her and it has the potential of hurting the women who have stories who are truly a part of this movement. I think what should most importantly be taken away from this article is that this story needs to hear more successful stories of women and how they can persevere with a difficult career and still be mentally strong and satisfied.