CMU School of Drama

Monday, July 09, 2012

Explore Where Syyn Labs Dreams Up Rube Goldberg Machines And Bungee-Jumping Cars

Fast Company: Even if you’ve never heard of Syyn Labs, there’s a good chance you’ve seen one of their creations. The collective helped build the Rube Goldberg Machine for OK Go’s 2010 "This Too Shall Pass" music video, which quickly became a viral sensation. At that time, Syyn Labs was what founder Doug Campbell called a mere “hobby club” for roboticists, electrical engineers, chefs, computer programmers, and at least one “pirate.” Or, to invoke what’s become a mantra among the Syyn Labs team, “a drinking club with an art problem.”

1 comment:

Samuel Stark said...

It's great that there's a group of people that can use science just for the mere fun of science. I see this group as creating a bridge between Art and Science. It can be compared to what we do in Technical Theatre and how we find creative solutions that are both functional and artistic/majestic. There must have been a substantial amount of engineering just to find the stresses at work especially for the Chevy Sonic Car Drop.