As the giant spaceship crashes into the mysterious planet, the seats inside the movie theater heave back and forth and rumble like an earthquake.
"Back ticklers" in the seats thump as an astronaut dodges fireballs and rolls on the ground. A strobe light flashes and huge fans expel gusts of air reeking of smoke and gunpowder.
1 comment:
In all honesty, I would hate this kind of movie. A movie is just that, a movie. I shouldn't smell or feel anything, I should just be able to watch a scene and has the writing affect me enough to make me feel something. This innovation of sprays, smells, and fans is only further destroying our imaginations. If I wanted to experience life, I would go out and experience, not sit down in a seat and have a machine do it for me. I understand the appeal for such a movie but i would dislike it so much for it is only isolating us more from the world and from good movie making. A well-done movie should make some one feel without bombarding that person with a sensory overload.
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