CMU School of Drama

Friday, February 11, 2011

Special FX artist adds spark to 'Lonesome West' at Playhouse Rep "We know the drill when it comes to Martin McDonagh's Leenane Trilogy plays -- eruptions of violence are imminent. Shooting a gun and the resultant damage to create a nightmarish scenario can be a nightmare to re-create, night after night. Enter Steve Tolin, owner and operator of Tolin FX, a Pittsburgh-based special effects design and fabrication shop.

1 comment:

Danielle F said...

I have never heard of Steve Tolin or his company, but then again I don't really work on locally produced or feature films here in town. It sounds like Mr. Tolin has found his niche here in Pittsburgh.

After reading the article, I appreciate that he understands the complexities and banalities of doing effects in a theatre--and how "destroyed" items must be RESTORED for the next performance. In fact, I am now very curious about the "springs and levers and magic-shop tricks" that he has used in this production instead of using pyro. I like it when a show keeps me guessing about how a certain effect was achieved--and this sounds like it just might be one of those shows.