CMU School of Drama

Sunday, February 13, 2011

PPT selects 45 finalists for Shakespeare contest

post-gazette: "All last week some 1,000 hopeful thespians strutted their stuff before relays of judges in the Pittsburgh Public Theater's 17th Shakespeare Monologue & Scene Contest.
After the numbers were crunched, the following 45 were chosen to appear in the finals, 7 p.m. Monday, at the O'Reilly Theatre, Downtown.

1 comment:

beccathestoll said...

what a cool idea! To hear that 1000+ kids, whether or not it was due to this event, have had access to Shakespeare before college and a chance to work on his scenes and speeches with others their age just sounds really great. There wasn't really any sort of thespian competition in my school district, and I always sort of wish I had had something like this as a way to meet other kids in other schools who revered theatre and shakespeare the way I did. It must be a great learning experience for them!