CMU School of Drama

Thursday, February 16, 2023

TBT: The White Queen (2013), Ep. 1 I’ve resisted watching The White Queen (2013) for, gosh, pretty much 10 years because Starz shows tend to make my teeth itch a little too much. However, while compiling images for James Frain‘s recent Man Candy Monday, I ran into some images from the show that made me take a good, hard look at the costumes.

1 comment:

Sawyer Anderson said...

One of my favorite tv shows is the White Queen. I also love all the other Phillipa Gregory series, both the books and tv shows. Much like the writer of this article, Sarah Lorraine, I went through my period of researching everything I could about the Woodvilles. I would agree with Lorraine that the costumes are not period, however I do think it is important to remember the audience of the tv show and Starz in general. Starz is known for their lapses in historical accuracy costume wise to make the characters more sexual and appealing. Other Phillipa Gregory shows do a better job of their accuracy, as well as the books. I disagree with Sarah about the focus on the Woodvilles rumored witchcraft because it was such a large part of their perception by the court of England and their family had many scandals prior to Elizabeth. It is also factual that Jaquettas family was supposedly descended from the water goddess Melucina, and when her second husband finally got a title they decided on Baron Rivers.