CMU School of Drama

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Antisemitic Protestors Chant At Audience Outside First Preview Of PARADE Protestors outside the first preview performance of Parade tonight greeted audience members with chants such as "[Leo Frank is] a Jewish Pedophile." Jake Wasserman, the Engagement Editor for The Forward, a leading source of news, opinion and culture through a Jewish lens since 1897, shared a video of protestors outside the theatre on Twitter.

1 comment:

CrimsonCreeks said...

For the political situation in the US to rise in such a way to have an anti-semitic hate gathering outside of a musical is simply insane. I truly will never understand nor wish I understand how these people can be compelled to such actions. Parade tells a story about how bigotry, both anti-semitism and racism cloud our judgment and lead to further injustice. If anything this is an even bigger theme today as we truly go more in-depth with systemic problems in our country. By taking off the rose tinted glasses can we truly see how broken the foundation is and gather to solve this problem as a collective. Bigotry isn’t born with so how do we as a country stop from ingraining it and grooming children into it? I also wish to gather why this hate group did this. Did they think that their ideology was popular enough to close the show?