CMU School of Drama

Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Muppet Makers Turn to Creating Whooping Cranes

The New York Times: In the world of fleece, foam and feathers in Jim Henson’s Creature Shop in Queens, they make more than the “Sesame Street” Muppets. Sometimes they make birds other than that big yellow one, like a whooping crane that Heather Henson was standing next to.


Unknown said...

Growing up in a family that loved the Muppets I remember how foundational Jim Hennsons work was to my childhood and the people around me. I also remember when Sesame Street's first Autistic character came around how important it was to others in my family to feel represented in puppet form. I am so excited that Hensons team and family is continuing to bring characters to life in puppet form that can represent different cultures and backgrounds both on stage and screen. This article also gave me some insight on how puppets are made which I found incredibly interesting as simple materials such as foam and fabric are transformed into moving talking characters onstage that almost feel like they breath and have a soul. Overall though I won't be able to see this show I am hopeful that the team behind Jim Henson's work will be able to shape future generations childhoods in a way similar to how they shaped mine.


John Alexander Farrell said...

The article described how the Creature Shop team used a combination of old-school puppetry techniques and cutting-edge technology to create the Muppets. They use everything from animatronics and remote control devices to CGI and motion capture to make the characters look as lifelike as possible. It's truly amazing to see how much work and detail goes into creating these characters that have brought so much joy to people of all ages.

But what struck me the most about the article was how the Creature Shop team talked about the importance of staying true to Jim Henson's vision. They clearly have a deep respect for his legacy and want to honor his memory by continuing to create characters that are funny, charming, and just a little bit subversive.

In a world that can often feel cynical and jaded, it's refreshing to read about a group of people who are so passionate about what they do. The Muppets may be just a bunch of puppets, but they have a special place in our hearts. Thanks to Jim Henson's Creature Shop, they'll continue to make us laugh and brighten our days for years to come.