CMU School of Drama

Thursday, March 18, 2021

Theatre News: The Renaissance of Live Theatre Is Just Around the Corner

Maryland Theatre Guide: While many theatre companies have adapted during the pandemic by streaming performances online, nothing can replace the magic of audiences seated together in an auditorium watching a live show. Now that there is a vaccine, restrictions are likely to loosen up over time.


Unknown said...

I completely agree with the author of this article that there will be a Renaissance of Live Theater when it is safe for shows to reopen. I think people are absolutely craving the feeling of being back in a space with strangers for a shared experience, and I think theater will come back in a big way. I also agree that it is possible that movie theaters will likely decrease in popularity and that people might turn to a theater show as opposed to a movie. I think the pandemic has made people reevaluate how and where they spend their money, and I think people will be less likely to spend money on things just to go out, that they can recreate at home. Arguably it is better to watch a movie at home, it is more comfortable, less expensive, and you have control. However, very few would say that live theater is better at home as opposed to at the theater. I think people’s shifting priorities will mean that they spend money in different ways, and I think theater is very likely to be a benefactor of that.

Rhiannnon said...

I absolutely love the use of the term Renaissance in this article! It implies a surge of ingenuity, inspiration and celebration with the rebirth of live theater. I think that will definitely happen and it will be known as the post-COVID era of wonderful art. I like the point made about movie theaters. With the rise of streaming services, there is no need for cinemas so they will probably die out. With that change, people will want to go out for a show to have that experience of being part of an audience. And they will find that at theaters!! I definitely love news like this because it makes me very optimistic that theater will never die. Live theater has been around for thousands of years and nothing can replace it.

Keen said...

I miss the feeling of running a real show more than anything. I was always either on deck (run crew or ASM) or up in the booth stage managing, and the exhilarating tension of running a show is absolutely unparalleled. Seeing the audience, hell, being the audience, is something that really can never be replaced by a virtual world, be that film, TV, or a streamed performance. Also, I've really had it up to my neck with Zoom theatre. Innovative though it is, for which I am grateful because it means we can keep doing theatre despite the pandemic shutting down the venues, I hope I never see it again once this pandemic is over and we can return to in-person theatre. I eagerly await this renaissance of live theatre and all that it implies, whether that is a renewal or a renovation. Can't wait for the day I can finally step into a theatre to do a show again.

Jin Oh said...

I was really glad that the article pointed out the “communal sounds” such as laughter or other kinds of reactions that the audience can have as a whole to be one of the aspects of “live” performances. As I am watching more and more Zoom productions these days, I have found several (good) aspects of the remote performances that could not be mimicked by the live performance. However, I always missed other audience being present on the same place with me to share the reactions. Having said that, I am very glad that the live theaters coming back to the society can be referred to as a “Renaissance” of the performances (and plus, hopefully, it will be coming very soon once we get out of the whole COVID situation). I am confident that as much troubles that people had to combat, there will be more attention and improvements when the shows actually raise their curtains again.