CMU School of Drama

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Producing through a Broadway shutdown and beyond

Broadway News: In the days leading up to March 12, 2020, investors and invitees had begun flying to New York from around the world to attend the Broadway opening of “Six.” Producer Kevin McCollum knew a Broadway shutdown was a possibility. An usher had already contracted COVID-19 and the NBA had just suspended games, but he was not sure when the call would be made.

1 comment:

Ariel Bernhard said...

I knew Six shutdown the day it was supposed to open, but I did not realize every aspect of the decision behind that. I feel very bad for them. At least they made a safe choice. I was looking at when a reopen could happen. My initial thought was that energy when Broadway reopens and Six opens for the first time has got to be incredible in the audience, and then I realized that the audience capacity will be incredibly reduced. I do hope there is a wonderful and well deserved energy though. I am glad Six was not forced to close permanently due to the monetary challenges of this long shutdown. I really appreciate the producer’s take in the article. The shutdown surprised most of the general public. It is wild it happened so fast, but cases had supposedly been around longer. I am glad there has been some virtual work and support funds, I hope these can continue until Broadway and other theaters can safely return.