CMU School of Drama

Friday, March 19, 2021

My search for Black women's unsung voices, or, Why theater needs a 'Reset'

DC Metro Theater Arts: Questions of “canon” have haunted me throughout my theatrical education and subsequent professional career. As a precocious young child obsessed with the performing arts, I searched and searched for Black girls’ and women’s presences in the theater I was being exposed to, always disappointed when I felt I could not find it.

1 comment:

Jacob Wilson said...

Interesting factoid: the person who was mentioned in the article, Nicole Brewer, was actually my School Of Drama Anti Racist class professor. Although I do understand that they want to racially change how theatre is done and portrayed, I am confused why they call it a reset. I don’t quite think we can completely reset how theatre companies work and how shows are produced but I think we can make changes to our rehearsal processes and our plays to better incorporate all races, genders, ethnicities, and religions. I hope that their musical does well and helps spark questions in peoples minds about what is right and wrong and how we get to a place where theatre is not as white as it is today. Unfortunately, I don’t know how long it will take or even what it will take to make this change take place. As one of the best universities for theatre in the nation, I think we should take on the task to start researching and experimenting with anti-racist pratices more often and more frequently so we can start pushing this changes out into the broader community.