CMU School of Drama

Tuesday, November 03, 2020

Love of Learning - Carolina Anton - Sound Engineer Carolina Anton is a freelance sound engineer based in Mexico City. She works as a FOH and Monitor Engineer and specializes in sound design and optimization. She works with several sound companies such as 2hands production, Eighth Day Sound, Britannia Row, among others. She has done international tours with artists Zoé, Natalia Lafourcade, Leon Larregui, Mon Laferte. Carolina is also the owner of GoroGoro Studio – an audiovisual studio for immersive sound mixing experiences. She is the representative in Mexico of ISSP Immersive Sound software for live shows, a partner in 3BH an Integrative company that specializes in architectural, acoustic, and audiovisual technological design. In her spare time, she is the head of the SoundGirls Mexico City Chapter.

1 comment:

Jonah Carleton said...

This is so amazing! First of all, I had no idea Sound Girls existed and I will be doing an extremely deep dive into their website after this. I know just reading this piece won’t help undo the history of oppression and exclusivity in the theater, and the fact that there is one female POC sound designer that is achieving great levels of success should not make me complacent. And it won’t. But it was still heartwarming to read a story we usually don't get to read, and hear a voice that is not usually heard. It's sad that Carolina has to make this avenue for herself in order to get this to be heard, but it's also in some ways inspiring. She forges on even when no one offers their assistance. Obviously she is an inspiration, I just hope one day her case won’t be extraordinary.