CMU School of Drama

Friday, November 06, 2020

BFC Clarifies Film and TV Production Guidelines as England Locks Down

Variety: England may be going into a month-long second lockdown from Thursday, but it’s largely business as usual where film and TV production is concerned. The British Film Commission (BFC) has updated its COVID-safe rules for filming, which were first published June 1. While England residents are advised not to travel overseas or within the U.K., production is exempt.


mia zurovac said...

The word lockdown has always and forever will have the worst conotiations. I first remember that word from a super young age, in the sense of locking down as a drill in school to stay safe from school shooters and intruders. But now everytime, I hear that word I think of two negative things instead of one. Locking down for COVID has been very different for each country as well as very scary for a lot of people. The thought of having to do that again or think about doing it again is truly terrifying. Obviously, no one knows when this is all going to end or when everything is going to go back to normal, but people have hope that it will get better. Cases are starting to drop, the world is finally starting to become more comfortable with this pandemic hazard lifestyle which is good. Everyone is hoping for the best and praying for progression- no one’s mindset is to lock down again.

Taylor Boston said...

It dawned on me as I read the line about how scouting was exempt from travel restrictions, that I haven't once read about how scouting is being handled now that large auditions cannot be had and any travel might be met with two week quarantines, this applying to both theater and movies. While that isn't what this article is about, it is something that I didn't think about until I read this article and am curious to what scouting now looks like in various places. Besides that, it is nice to finally, finally, finally read an article that actually has details about restrictions in some details instead of articles having bait titles and then absolutely no details about restrictions except that there are some, though I do wish that they went into more detail than they did, or at least put a link or how to find these guidelines for those that don't know where to look. I like that alongside the restrictions and guidelines, there was mention of the furlough extension and how much those people will be receiving.

Nicolaus Carlson said...

This is a refreshing article to read regarding happenings related to the coronavirus pandemic. What I find interesting is how cohesive the United Kingdom is in terms of information spread and trust (to a degree) in their processes. They jumped right on learning about this issue in many aspects from the get-go and have made it safe and possible to handle things like this where film and television can move forward as usual, with concern to localities of course. It is nice to hear that they can do this, from scouting out potential shoot locations to actually filming and staying places, entertainment gets to move forward. As we have all discovered, entertainment has been key to keeping us sane during the quarantine, so this makes sense. It also keeps the economic going at a higher level and work continuing. Meanwhile, it seems they are taking the appropriate precautions and adding a few processes to their list.