CMU School of Drama

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Prolight + Sound Guangzhou 2020 Postponed To support the government’s efforts in controlling the novel coronavirus outbreak in China, the Prolight + Sound Guangzhou organisers have decided to postpone the 2020 fair, originally scheduled to be held on 19 – 22 February at Area A & B China Import & Export Fair Complex, Guangzhou.


Alexa Janoschka said...

I am glad to hear that they are taking caution with this disease. At the same time, I am very sorry to hear that they have to postpone the event that I bet many people were looking forward to. Hopefully, those who were going to attend on the original date can make it to the postponed convention. I don’t know that much about the coronavirus (other than what memes I have seen about the virus in Pittsburgh) but I hope that people are staying safe and hopefully this doesn’t become an even larger problem. I wonder what postponing or canceling this even does (money wise) who loses money when something like this happens and how does the production team handles something like this (I’m sure not many production teams have a guidebook of what to do when an international health crisis happens). I wish them the best of li=uck and I bet we will see an article at some point about how this convention went

Unknown said...
