CMU School of Drama

Friday, January 31, 2020

'Hair' at PMT nails the show's iconic music

Pittsburgh Current: Irony, it was said at the time, died after 9/11. (Which I still don’t get.) But rumors of its death, irony might have said ironically, were greatly exaggerated. We’re living in a Golden Age of Irony; a racist, thrice-married, self-confessed sexual predator who spent decades stealing money from the working class is hailed as God’s populist vessel by white evangelical Christians.

1 comment:

Pablo Anton said...

It's exciting, being here and committing my education fully to theater, I am now being exposed to so many shows I haven't heard of before. Hair is one of those shows. I know that next year Hair will be CMU's musical, something I am highly looking forward to wanting to design a musical. This article is in fact the first time I am hearing anything about the plot of this show. I am curious to see how I will enjoy it. I am not necessarily a fan of musicals that don't hold much of a plot so I am curious to see how the music is overall and if it carries or continues the story in a way that brings the musical together. Shows that have reliability on one part of the musical aspect, like in this case the good music, ends up being only partially there. I find it difficult to follow the story and be engaged in a way where I am fully committed to the show. I wish this show was still running as I would love to see a production but I can't wait for the musical next year.