CMU School of Drama

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Lori Klinger from Rosie’s Theater Kids on Merging Passions and Arts Education

The Theatre Times: There are angels in New York City who are teaching the arts to kids, and Lori Klinger is one of them. She co-founded Rosie’s Theater Kids (RTKids) in 2003 with the help and support of Rosie O’Donnell, who she had met by chance. It was a meeting that changed her life. The organization has changed the lives of thousands of kids who love the arts and may not have otherwise known how to pursue their chosen field.

1 comment:

Annika Evens said...

This article was really refreshing to read, it makes me really happy to see the efforts people are taking towards more arts education for children. I would love to see more organizations like these throughout the country. I think so much of arts education is not just education to become better at the art, but using the arts education to become better at anything the child is passionate about. The skills taught through the arts are very transferrable to all aspects of life. This organization seems to be doing a good job of using the education to supplement other aspects of the child’s life by also providing college prep tutoring and SAT tutoring as well as just encouraging the kids to study whatever they want to study not just musical theatre. One question I have about something Lori said is how they actually choose the kids. She said they choose kids from the 5th grade program they have, but what is the basis for selecting kids from all of the 5th graders? Is it by talent? Is it by need? Is it potential?