CMU School of Drama

Friday, September 06, 2019

Dallas Opera Cancels Gala Starring Plácido Domingo - The New York Times

Dallas Opera Cancels Gala Starring Plácido Domingo - The New York Times: The Dallas Opera canceled its big-ticket March 2020 gala concert with the opera star Plácido Domingo on Thursday amid new accusations that he had sexually harassed multiple women.


Bahaar Esfahani said...

It's a relief to hear that consequences are coming to those who have been accused of sexual harassment. A very scary part of this industry is that people with power have always been able to get away with these actions just because of their positions and reputations. Reading this part was particularly upsetting:

"Ms. Wilson won Washington’s Artist of the Year award that season but was not rehired, The A.P. reported, saying that she attributed that to her interactions with Mr. Domingo."

It's one horrible thing for an abuser to get no consequences, but for the victim to get punished for it is a whole different thing! I am glad that victims of sexual harassment are feeling more comfortable to speak out, but I do hope it is used only truthfully. I think something scary is people who fake these allegations and subsequently destroy the credibility of all other victims who may want to come out with their stories.

One thing I am particularly interested to see is how this movement will affect the future of the industry. While we are currently in a phase in which people are speaking out about past occurrences, I am fascinated to see if this will deter the future generation of the entertainment industry from thinking their power gives them the right to abuse others.

Domingo's punishment may have come years late, but I do hope it is harsh enough to make up for that.

Stephanie Akpapuna said...

Actions have consequences and very few times in Hollywood do you see individuals paying for their crimes so it is refreshing to see that some action is being taken by the company. For a long time when situations like this occurred in the industry or anywhere, the recipient of the misconduct/aggression is one who pays for the aggressor's crime. Ms. Washington was never rehired by the company which is very unfair and Mr. Domingo had no repercussion for his actions. In this era of the Me Too movement, consequences are being enforced and individuals and companies are being held accountable. I hope as time progresses and changes happen in society, people and companies keep being held accountable and it doesn't die down. I honestly hope that this is not done for the sake of good publicity and there is an actual desire to make people pay for their crimes.