CMU School of Drama

Friday, July 12, 2019

Super-silent projector emits just 19db in eco-mode NEC Display Solutions Europe has announced the latest in its family of virtually-silent laser projectors, delivering the highest quality projection with no noise disturbance for the most productive meetings.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I think that this projector is a really good idea and will change the industry standard. I have worked on / attended multiple shows where the projectors could be heard during blackouts and scene transitions which can be very bothersome.

It is also astonishing to me the way technology has progressed throughout my life. This projector only outputs 19dB in "eco-mode" which is quieter than the tick of a wrist watch. This device also has a 4K resolution which is very good for the the amount of noise it produces. The tradeoff here is that the refresh rate is 30Hz compared to the standard 60Hz which is twice that. The projector was unveiled last year and has now started to appear in multiple venues and classrooms. Of course with such a beefy device and its size/noise it will set you back a pretty penny, it is available through NEC at just over 2 grand.