CMU School of Drama

Monday, April 09, 2018

Kiss Me, My Fair Carousel Woman: Now Is the Season of Our Discontent

AMERICAN THEATRE: Is this really the right time for a spate of male-authored, male-directed musicals about subservient women to come to Broadway?

1 comment:

Sarah Connor said...

Especially with all the discussions about sexism and gender in current politics and the entertainment and theater world especially - the Me Too movement being the main and most visual component - I feel like these productions the way they are being played is very inappropriate. Now is a time where the door for discussion and discourse about gender and about sexism and about sexual assault and the view of women in the world is wider open than it has been in a long time, but by doing these shows and having them directed by men we run a huge risk of closing that door, or at the very least of contributing to that discussion exactly as these shows do. But the shows alone aren't the only thing contributing to that view. The fact that almost all of the staff are white males is absolutely unacceptable, especially that it is this way for three productions. We need to look at this upcoming season and these revivals with a lot of skepticism and really analyze why they're happening and what it says not only about the theatrical world but about the world in general, and what we are going to do about it.