CMU School of Drama

Monday, April 16, 2018

Here's How Steven Spielberg and ILM Recreated That Movie for Ready Player One Whether you loved or hated Ready Player One, odds are you were still amazed by the second challenge—yes, that scene—even if it’s just wondering how the hell director Steven Spielberg pulled off something so impossible. Now we know.

1 comment:

Nicolaus Carlson said...

I really enjoyed this movie and although I never read the book, someone who had told me that it was basically entirely different but still amazingly done. Although I never really considered how they might have done this I didn’t care because it was so good. On the other hand, though, I didn’t think they would combine tactics as recreating the set, digitally rendering the set, and combining both of those together was something they would do. That’s three versions t get one challenge. It turned out well but digitally rendering everything I thought would have been the way to go about it. Using footage and editing things is just out of what I thought they would do. However, it seems to have been well worth it as what they did produced a really good movie. The digital world was well done, the CGI could have totally been actual construction and what was constructed was beautifully crafted. Overall a great movie and very well done.