CMU School of Drama

Tuesday, July 03, 2012

Organize Your Job Hunt With Huntsy

CollegeCandy: Looking for a job after graduating from college can be an overwhelming task. Once you have that killer resume showcasing all the experience and education you’ve worked so hard for, you can start applying to open positions in the hopes that will lead to your first real-world job.

1 comment:

Jason Cohen said...

The first thing that recent college graduates want to do after graduation is find a job and start getting paid. They want to also prove to their families that 4 years of a college education will lead to career in theater, and not just be put to waist. How do they make sure they get the right job? They apply to numerous openings hopping that that one will be the job. This article is trying to sell Huntsy. This is a website that will keep track of all the jobs you have applied to to you. By keeping track, the article says that Huntsy can hold all your information and even a to-do list. Personal I feel that Huntsy isn’t needed. Actors pay an agent to serve this purpose. There is also I risk of your information being stolen. I would prefer to do the work myself instead of using Huntsy because I’m 100% capable of keeping myself organized.