CMU School of Drama

Monday, July 02, 2012

How much do arts graduates earn?

SNAAP: The Strategic National Arts Alumni Project (SNAAP) has created this unique website to frame a clearer picture of arts alumni in America. This is just the beginning. Each year more and more survey respondents provide priceless information for the next generation of arts students.

1 comment:

Sam Short said...

This website is really helpful and quite awesome. It gives art graduates a realistic view as to what their future will look like and what they should plan to be paid when they leave college. With the economy the way it is and fine arts being ranked as one of the most useless majors to go into, this website will help all those struggling, fresh-out-of-college grads who need to survive off a slim to no paycheck, with the wait of their college debt on their backs. SNAAP is a creative and wonderful idea that will help get people on their feet after college and will help a lot of grads stay off the streets and out of their parents homes because they were able to plan for the future.