CMU School of Drama

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Egypt Hosts First OISTAT Meeting

Sightlines: OISTAT held an Executive Committee meeting in Cairo Egypt from May 4 to 8. This was an important occasion since Egypt is a new OISTAT Center, and this was the first meeting it has hosted. The OISTAT group consisted of seven of the eight member Executive Committee.

1 comment:

Adelaide Zhang said...

I can't claim to know a whole lot about international theatre, but it was interesting at the least to read a little bit about it. It's nice to learn that there is an international community out there that does from time to time collaborate, to some degree, about theatre, and not only the acting part but also in the design and directing areas. Based on the article, those areas seem to expanding somewhat -- a good thing, in my view. I would actually also be curious to see how similar design standards and techniques in other countries or areas of the world compare to those here in the US.