CMU School of Drama

Friday, July 13, 2012

AES Announces Student Design Competition

Briefingroom on LiveDesignOnline: Aspiring student engineers from around the globe will vie for the opportunity to jumpstart their careers at the Audio Engineering Society’s 133rd Convention at SF’s Moscone Center, Oct. 26-29. A blue-ribbon panel of pro audio manufacturers, product designers and end users will review innovative Student Design Competition hardware and software designs in search of the most audacious, innovative and useful new product ideas.

1 comment:

Lindsay Spiegelman said...

It is awesome to see that there are so many amazing opportunities for students to make an impact on the technology that is used in the theater industry. This convention is very interesting and could inspire many creative and innovative products that have potential to change the already fast changing business. With few limitations, it would be interesting to see the complex and crazy hardware and software that is being showcased. Who knows, maybe the next big thing will be sitting on a table sooner than we know it.