CMU School of Drama

Sunday, July 08, 2012

Actors Fund Reacts to Affordable Care Act Being Upheld

Backstage: In a 5-4 decision, the Supreme Court today confirmed the constitutionality of President Obama's "Affordable Care Act." The health care reform law, often referred to as "Obamacare," will require all individuals to purchase health insurance by 2014.


Emily Potter said...

This just exemplifies how the Affordable Care Act can help so many people, and how it isn't just a tool for the lazy to live off of taxes. Real, hardworking people live without access to health insurance for a variety of reasons, and the Act can provide real relief to workers who can have very dangerous jobs.

Trent Taylor said...

I have always been a supporter of the affordable care act and I believe like this article said, that the law will greatly benefit artists. One of the clearest ways that I can see this working is with the provision that lets kids keep their parents health insurance until they’re 26. For kids graduating from college, especially those in artistic areas, finding a job can often be a struggle, so being able to still be covered by insurance is definitely a positive. Furthermore, the areas of the law that make health insurance more accessible and affordable I think will greatly impact young artists, many of whom are doing fairly rigorous or dangerous things on a daily basis as part of their jobs and otherwise might not be able to afford or find health insurance.

Unknown said...

There is no doubt that the Affordable Care Act will help thousands of hardworking americans, artists included. However, there are also thousands of americans who will abuse the new system put in place and America is already suffering from a shortage of workers in the medical field. In my opinion, the passing of the Affordable Care Act is a good idea as long as there are some precautions put in place so abuse cannot or will be difficult to happen and America should do what they can to recruit doctors and nurses and other medical field workers.

Zach Hall said...

The Affordable Care Act will help actors so much! Upon leaving college actor can have such a hard time. I think its awesome that Barrack is willing to do this with all the negative attention it is getting (specifically the comments at the end of the article). I hope that it does well and that his gamble pays off.