CMU School of Drama

Friday, February 04, 2011

True Grit: Exclusive Costume Featurette

Clothes on Film: "This is a really interesting bit of video, exclusive to Clothes on Film (for about five minutes). It is a snapshot look at the costume design work of wonderful Mary Zophres for the Coen Brothers’ version of True Grit.


Sonia said...

Not being a designer let alone a costume designer I really didnt think that I would find too much in this article that interested me. But the video was great, I loved the seeing the different interviews with the different actors. It was really interesting to see the collaboration too that existed. I enjoyed Ture Grit when I saw it and the costumes were great in their detail. But I didnt realize all the little things since that area isnt really an area of my expertise. But to hear how Jeff Bridges was developing his character in fittings and how the actor who played Lucky Ned was at first worried about the angora chaps was just cool. It is always nice to see the beind the scenes work of people in our feild if only to see what it is that they do, and support them

Daniel L said...

I too was really impressed and pleased to see the actors attributing so much of their characters to Ms. Zophres' costumes; I think that this is a great example of how design can go beyond meeting period requirements and setting a visual mood to really affect all elements of the film.

Bridges was great in this film, and his primary costume was apt and a clear juxtapositions with Damon's. His court room getup made him look uncomfortable in the setting.