CMU School of Drama

Thursday, February 03, 2011

CPSC Considers New Ruling in SawStop Technology

Professional tool reviews for the average Joe: "We get pretty opinionated when we talk about table saws and laws dealing with mandatory technologies, so this article, though based on a recent move by the CPSC to address the problem of table saw safety and SawStop technology in particular, is going under our 'Editorial' category. We're all about safety. We love safety. And the statistics (though the study is not cited) that show there are an average of 10 finger amputations per day due to consumer use of table saws just wrecks us. I mean, that's a lot of damage and certainly something that would be good to address.

1 comment:

Devrie Guerrero said...

this is a subject that we have been talking about in class a lot. I think the technology would be great to have a "safe" table saw, but they will never be safe. i agree with the article that once this kind of technology becomes mandatory, people will get lazy and then they will get hurt. I once got hurt with a table saw when a piece of wood kicked backed and hit me in the face. So now whenever i'm around the table saw i make sure Im doing everything right. Even if i use one of the ones that are "safe" i'm still going to try and be as safe as possible. Unfortunately you cant afford to learn everything the hard way on the table saw.