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Post-Gazette: "Carnegie Mellon University spinoff company Astrobotic Technology Inc. has signed a deal to launch its robotic rover into space as early as December 2013.
This is an extremely cool that Carnegie Mellon is pursuing launching a robot to the moon that drives around and sends back video. My question is why did I not hear about this before now. Being on campus information is not shared among the student body. It is great that CMU is continuing to be on the leading edge of the things that are out there. I wonder what other things are happening on the CMU campus that I don’t know about. It would be interesting to have a web site or page on the CMU web site that has all of the on going projects on campus that are for public knowledge.. I feel that would be a great advantage for our campus and student body especially since we are such a large research and development school.
I'm glad to see that this lunar robot comes from a spinoff company that is still based in CMU, and therefore is hopefully not funded by tuition money. As I pointed out in a similar article last week, if CMU is really having the financial difficulties it is having, cutting down on programs like this would seem like a natural next step. Of course, they may have made some small cuts, but this still seems like a large amount of money is potentially being spent on space exploration. I honestly feel that on this small scale level and in the large scale level of the national government, space exploration is one of the easiest departments to cut spending on, but they still are getting very largely funded. We really have gained next to nothing (outside of "knowledge") over all of the years that NASA has existed. I hope we see some type of large scale payoff soon.
Wow, this makes a Carnegie Mellon student proud! Not only does this sound very cool and like a great opportunity for the students, but it sounds like we'll win! I wonder how many more people are going to be entering, but considering they already have set a launch date, and have a producer, it looks good. I really wish the greater student body was aware of all this. I hope that as it gets closer to the launch date, and the possible win of CMU, that there are more announcements about the competition. Good luck!
I think it is great that Carnegie Mellon has the technology and knowledge to do this, but I think that this amount of time and energy can be spent elsewhere. The reason we are working toward sending a rover to space is because it is "cool" and it will get the university good publicity. Of course I am hoping CMU makes it happen.
It's pretty neat to see the types of things that others in our communities are doing. Certainly it's a great opportunity for the students, a good way to get the University's name in the headlines, and it's just plain cool. Carnegie's bread and butter is science and technology, and I'm sure these are the exact types of projects the University needs to stay strong and attractive in those fields.
Sometimes though it puts the work we do into perspective. There are a lot of talented people around here doing a lot of great things.
It is so amazing that Carnegie Mellon is launching a robot on the moon that sends videos back to Earth. How many other college students can say that about their university! And I love this article is on the green page. Sometimes as drama students in a conservatory program we tend to forgot that other things on going on in the world. It's nice to see this and remind me especially that other things are happening in the world other than theater. And right next door to us too! I would never know if it weren't for this article. I'm so excited for our school and the future it will bring!
This is an extremely cool that Carnegie Mellon is pursuing launching a robot to the moon that drives around and sends back video. My question is why did I not hear about this before now. Being on campus information is not shared among the student body. It is great that CMU is continuing to be on the leading edge of the things that are out there. I wonder what other things are happening on the CMU campus that I don’t know about. It would be interesting to have a web site or page on the CMU web site that has all of the on going projects on campus that are for public knowledge.. I feel that would be a great advantage for our campus and student body especially since we are such a large research and development school.
I'm glad to see that this lunar robot comes from a spinoff company that is still based in CMU, and therefore is hopefully not funded by tuition money. As I pointed out in a similar article last week, if CMU is really having the financial difficulties it is having, cutting down on programs like this would seem like a natural next step. Of course, they may have made some small cuts, but this still seems like a large amount of money is potentially being spent on space exploration. I honestly feel that on this small scale level and in the large scale level of the national government, space exploration is one of the easiest departments to cut spending on, but they still are getting very largely funded. We really have gained next to nothing (outside of "knowledge") over all of the years that NASA has existed. I hope we see some type of large scale payoff soon.
Wow, this makes a Carnegie Mellon student proud! Not only does this sound very cool and like a great opportunity for the students, but it sounds like we'll win! I wonder how many more people are going to be entering, but considering they already have set a launch date, and have a producer, it looks good. I really wish the greater student body was aware of all this. I hope that as it gets closer to the launch date, and the possible win of CMU, that there are more announcements about the competition. Good luck!
I think it is great that Carnegie Mellon has the technology and knowledge to do this, but I think that this amount of time and energy can be spent elsewhere. The reason we are working toward sending a rover to space is because it is "cool" and it will get the university good publicity. Of course I am hoping CMU makes it happen.
It's pretty neat to see the types of things that others in our communities are doing. Certainly it's a great opportunity for the students, a good way to get the University's name in the headlines, and it's just plain cool. Carnegie's bread and butter is science and technology, and I'm sure these are the exact types of projects the University needs to stay strong and attractive in those fields.
Sometimes though it puts the work we do into perspective. There are a lot of talented people around here doing a lot of great things.
It is so amazing that Carnegie Mellon is launching a robot on the moon that sends videos back to Earth. How many other college students can say that about their university! And I love this article is on the green page. Sometimes as drama students in a conservatory program we tend to forgot that other things on going on in the world. It's nice to see this and remind me especially that other things are happening in the world other than theater. And right next door to us too! I would never know if it weren't for this article. I'm so excited for our school and the future it will bring!
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