CMU School of Drama

Thursday, March 20, 2025

Meyer Sound Helps Sound Designer Jonathan Deans Achieve Sonic Vision For Broadway’s "Redwood"

ProSoundWeb: “Redwood,” a new Broadway musical starring Tony Award winner Idina Menzel, has a narrative brought to life through projected visuals and an immersive soundscape created by sound designer Jonathan Deans, who’s leveraging Meyer Sound to help transforms the theater environment into breathing forest.


Jamnia said...

This as a concept is so cool and I really wonder how it actually played out in real life. I feel like this would be really hard to achieve seamlessly as a scenic designer and that you would have to be really really good at system design and just really in tune with what you want as a designer. I feel like my design style would really follow this not that I have really ever explored it but it just seems like such a cool concept to explore. I noticed this gradual radiation of sound when I was watching John Proctor and that was kind of the first time that I really thought about sound as something that could blanket the audience instead of just sound effects and something that was just set on stage. I feel like with sound design, oftentimes people think of it as something that is very limited and something that you can’t do much with but when you really think about it, sound design really has no limits and it is really up to the creativity of the designer.

Octavio Sutton said...

I love to see people push the boundaries of what can be done with theatre and when people really communicate with one another. Sound can be such a creative and beautiful experience when you really put the time and effort into it. It’s super awesome to read about an experience where sound was so strongly emphasized and created so that audience was truly immersed into the soundscape. What’s more, I am learning more names and tech that exist in the sound world. I would love to a be part of a process similar to this and really explore how we can shape a space using sound as a cornerstone to the experience. I think sound can create an emotional space and have such a strong impace on the experience of the audience. Overall, I would love to see this production and talk to the sound designer and engineers about ther process of designing and making the system.