CMU School of Drama

Wednesday, February 08, 2023

What it's like, what it takes to work backstage on Broadway On a Wednesday matinee performance of Broadway’s ”& Juliet,” assistant company manager Annie Schroeder is making the rounds backstage.

1 comment:

Hailey Garza said...

To be quite honest, this article doesn’t make me very happy. I read it in a completely negative tone, and it puts this position in theatre and makes the theatre profession sound not great. As someone who loves theatre (enough to want to go to college for it) I wouldn’t be happy if I were just barely breaking even working a Broadway show. What does that really say about our industry. That we can make it to “the top” and still not even have a sustainable payment, health insurance, and a good quality of life? It’s extremely discouraging. Ive heard the same thing her professor said from others in my life. I think the fact that people think going into theatre is a crazy life choice just shows how much work the industry needs. It is systematic and unsustainable, and it really doesn’t have to be that way. We’re the ones making it that way and it needs to change.