CMU School of Drama

Friday, February 17, 2023

What it's Like Being the "Big Girl" in Theatre

OnStage Blog: I know everyone has had their struggles in theatre. Even if you are the most talented, stunningly fit, and beautiful person on this earth, let's face it - none of us are perfect. I want to tell you about my personal struggle. I’m writing this because I want to face reality, and also, I know I’m not alone.


Natalie Lawton said...

This article was beautifully written. There was a clear passion for theatre throughout and you could tell how much each of the memories meant to her. I found it intriguing that she remembers how much she weighed when she played certain roles. It is something that I have never considered would impact plus sized performers. My best friend is a plus sized actress and I remember moments in time when her life was altered because she saw someone on stage that looked like her. Representation is always important but it is especially necessary for representation to break the typical molds of what people have learned to accept. Fat performers should not be put in a box to only play fat characters. I think that is what this article was articulating throughout the stories shared. The entertainment industry is moving towards a more accepting culture, although slowly, it is becoming more and more common for plus sized people to be in the spotlight. No one should feel bad after an audition because of how they look.

Sydney de Haan said...

This article was really heartbreaking I will say as a plus size girly myself a lot of the struggles that she mentioned are very real though I’ve never experienced them quite on stage though maybe I never went on stage because I knew I’d be cast and such rolls I’m really glad that she talked a lot about how the people around her who supported her really helped driving her to continue in this horrible industry we all love so much And I think that this is a conversation that has been occurring a lot more recently with some trends on TikTok where very talented actors and actresses attempt to do monologues and sing songs of roles that they would probably never be casting and making the larger theater community aware that hey everybody has the capacity to be super talented and match these roles. It’s important that people share their stories and I am glad that Carly was able to put this out there cause it seems like a very universal experience for plus size girls in the theater industry just based on what I know in my past experiences worth working with some wonderful plus size actresses it’s always my goal to make people feel included and different bodies and theater can sometimes feel out casted I know it’s important and a large part of my role as a Costume Designer to make sure everybody feels comfortable in what they’re wearing and I think my job gives actors a little extra boost of confidence when they walk out there as the character and looking stunning or just really matching what the character needs to be.