CMU School of Drama

Monday, February 20, 2023

The Aidah vs the Angelica: what's different

The Dreamstress: We’ve just launched the Scroop + Virgil’s Fine Goods Aidah Gown pattern, and I’ve introduced it as the ‘sister’ pattern to the Angelica Gown. There is a lot in common between the two pattterns: they cover the same timeperiod, are both Italian gowns, and they have interchangeable elements.

1 comment:

Sydney de Haan said...

This article was interesting because I actually was a part of the pattern testing and instruction testing team for the Angelica gown they basically sent me the pattern and I followed it their instructions to a T as a semi beginner to intermediate seamstress and gave them feedback on what seemed unclear. So I’m very familiar with the Angelica pattern the Aida pattern looks like a lovely addition to scroop Patterns lineup because it’s important that we have a wide representation of gowns from different time periods with patterns available to the public otherwise Costume Designer is and historical costumers will all be walking around wearing the exact same gown I really like how they made it clear that they are trying to expand the techniques you can learn well sewing these gowns but of course I’m sure you can also just so it the same way you’ve always shown a pattern the differences between the two designs don’t seem too drastic but they seem like they could both achieve a different desired effect. I could definitely see this happening with the seam placement at the shoulders bringing somebody’s shoulder blades back just a tad more so their posture appears a bit better and I really like the adjustment of the sleeve option two part sleeve though it will be a couple more steps in the setting process just allows for a lot more flexibility in fit