CMU School of Drama

Monday, February 06, 2023

‘Terrifying’ cuts are killing creativity in UK arts, warns multiple Oscar winner

Theatre | The Guardian: The multi-Oscar-winning English costume designer Sandy Powell, who will make film history this month when she accepts a prestigious Bafta fellowship, is “terrified” by the lack of experimental live performance being staged in Britain, she says.

1 comment:

Jessica Williams said...

I am personally not a fan of experimental theater at all. At least the stereotypical idea of an experimental theatre piece feels very pretentious and condescending to me when it comes to what I have seen in the past. However, I do not believe that all experimental theatre should be defunded and overlooked. I think that while I do not particularly like most experimental theatre, I still believe that it is valuable to some and overall beneficial to the theatre community at large. Especially when it comes to the Fringe Festival in the United Kingdom as its contribution to the general health and breadth of the theatre and entertainment community both across the pond and here in North America as both groups are fairly intertwined. Also, I was previously unaware that theatre in the United Kingdom is funded by the government which I find to be particularly interesting in regard to how their content rules work.