CMU School of Drama

Monday, November 15, 2021

Stage Manager Stories: Lisa Iacucci, Shelley Miles, & Clarissa Marie Ligon- IS THIS A ROOM and DANA H. Need a cue? Call a stage manager. Need a line? Call a stage manager. Need a day off? Call a stage manager. Need a call time, a schedule, an inspection, a to-do list, a floor plan, a script, or just a pep talk? Call a stage manager!

1 comment:

Zachary Everett-Lane said...

I was sort of hoping this article would have actual stories about being stage managers that were more fun, but this was an all right read either way. It was good to get insight on the behind the scenes work that stage managers do to make sure everything runs smoothly. The role of the stage or production manager is a very important one, whether their duties include scheduling and budgeting, calling cues, or overseeing crew backstage. It’s vital that responsible, reliable people are working hard on a production to ensure its success. I know from my experiences stage managing that can be difficult. The more actors, crew members, and cues you have, the more complicated a show becomes, and the more difficult it is to keep track of it all. Thankfully, the stage managers they interviewed in this article are seasoned professionals who can handle anything. I know I’d feel comfortable with them in charge of my production.