CMU School of Drama

Sunday, November 21, 2021

NFTRW Weekly Top Five

Here are the top five comment generating posts of the past week:

Theater Workers Call for an End to 10 Out of 12s

Backstage: Actor Rachel Spencer Hewitt was once in a show at a well-paying regional theater. Unfortunately, the money she was making wasn’t enough to support her family. “Between groceries for my two kids, childcare, [and] tech week, I had $9,” Hewitt recalls. This was after spending 12 hours a day in rehearsals, which meant she couldn’t tend to her children and that the cost of childcare ate up most of her take-home pay. “I just wept in the dressing room.”

15 Clever Questions To Ask During A Job Interview To Make The Tables Turn, As Shared By Folks On Twitter

Bored Panda: Sweaty palms, bouncing legs, but very confident speech, it’s not a mystery — we all know how dreadful the whole process of getting hired is. We overstep ourselves every single time, and for some reason, the process doesn’t get easier. However, we seem to have found a golden middle, which helps us “platter” ourselves to our potential employers.

‘An Assembly’ Builds a Play in Portland with 12 Strangers and a Stack of Notecards

Portland Monthly: One by one, ushers lead us into a spartan, fluorescent-lit room at the old Zidell shipyards. In the OHSU gym opposite, tiny figures jog on treadmills. Evening traffic on the Ross Island Bridge hums dully in the background. There’s a table for our belongings, a rack for our coats. Twelve black chairs form two rows. On each seat rests a notecard

Movie crews share horror stories of maiming, death after 'Rust' Recently, in the wake of the Oct. 21 tragedy on the set of the movie “Rust” — where Alec Baldwin stands accused of accidentally shooting cinematographer Halyna Hutchins with a gun that he thought was unloaded — Gilliard’s emotional wounds have torn open again. “This whole thing that happened with ‘Rust’ has brought on PTSD,” said the hairdresser, who spent a year in physical therapy before going back to work. “I was in a state of shock from ‘Rust.’ Then I became angry and sad and couldn’t stop crying. You don’t think you will go to work and risk losing your life.”

Pittsburgh dinosaur statue repainted to spread message of “diversity and inclusion”

Visual Art | Pittsburgh | Pittsburgh City Paper: Pittsburgh features a number of curious dinosaur statues spread throughout various neighborhoods, all painted to celebrate different aspects of the city. Now one of them, a Triceratops, has been repainted through a collaboration of a local school and two artists.


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