CMU School of Drama

Tuesday, November 09, 2021

Interview: Scaring Up Robin Herford, Longtime Director of the Terrifying Woman in Black

TheaterMania : "Americans scream really loudly in London," Robin Herford said with a gentle smile. He would know. The gregarious Herford is the director of the famously frightening The Woman in Black, a production he first staged more than 30 years ago.

1 comment:

Phoebe Huggett said...

The woman in black is one of the primary cases in my mind of how theatre in the moment can be much more impact ful than a movie. I got the chance to see a production of The Woman in Black at home, and I was looking in corners and shadows for the next two days, especially because of how that line of the stage and the rows in the theatre, among other ways to break that fourth wall, was physically violated by the woman and so I could not maintain any distance from the piece. The movie didn’t even remotely affect me in the same way, I was watching other people experiencing this but I was not experiencing it for myself. It reduced it to jumpscares while I was safe in my living room, while the woman doing the same actions but just in random places in the theatre makes me much more nervous and conscious of what is going on around me.Violating that physical boundary of audience and stage is absolutely something I’m interested in exploring.