CMU School of Drama

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Leisure Expert Group & Zierer partner on new dark ride concepts

blooloop: Leisure Expert Group (LEG), a leading experience design company, has partnered with German ride manufacturer Zierer to market a variety of Advanced Dark Ride concepts. The collaboration between the two companies was announced during the recent IAAPA Expo Europe in Barcelona.


Kaylie C. said...

Imagine going on a Coachella rollercoaster? Well, apparently now you can! I can not really imagine any amusement parks agreeing to the kind of partnership as described in the article, but some parks that are not tied to certain brands as Disney, Universal, and Six Flags are may be able to do this and could generate a lot of revenue from it. Overall, I do like the concept for the music festival dark ride, especially the interactive elements. The Jurassic dark ride does not seem all that innovative or interesting, but I understand this company is known for its roller coasters rather than dark rides so releasing concepts for their first dark rides is article worthy. The title of the article had me under the impression that something about the ways these dark rides would mechanically operate would be innovative, rather than just the concepts being new from this company.

Dean Thordarson said...

When I first read the term “dark ride,” I was expecting more of a true roller coaster in the dark, a la Space Mountain at Disneyland or The Mummy at Universal studios. That being said, this variety of dark ride is just as fun and entertaining, with the added bonus of having a very small footprint. I wonder how the design process between this type of ride and a full scale roller coaster is different – the company, Zierer, is known for their roller coasters, so I have to wonder what the transition between the two types of ride was like. And, on that note, I wonder what similarities can be drawn between the actual mechanics of the two types of rides. They are obviously two very different styles of ride, but I wonder if any specific components or processes between the two are similar. I would love to try one of these rides, in part because I simply enjoy roller coasters and amusement rides, but also for the simple fact that I have not been to an amusement park in some time.