CMU School of Drama

Monday, October 25, 2021

“the other shoe” by CorningWorks at the New Hazlett Theater

The Pittsburgh Tatler: If you can take a work of art as an indicator of its creators’ state of mind, then it’s clear from the other shoe that Beth Corning and her collaborator Kay Cummings are frustrated, angry, and perhaps more than a little bit bitter. The source of their frustration? In part it’s the usual suspects that haunt nearly all women who have survived more than a couple of decades into adulthood

1 comment:

Madeline Miller said...

I am very intrigued by this show, especially knowing it’s put on by the glue factory, a company made up of members over the age of 40. This perspective offers arguments foreign to me a young person. For example, this review says A prime target of their frustration seems to stem from finding themselves, as white women, labeled “privileged”. This is a striking perspective for me to see in a modern theatrical production, as I am well aware of the privilege that I receive from being perceived as a white woman in most contexts. Regardless, I think I would find this piece really moving if I had the opportunity to see it live, because it is very clearly is created to be a piece relying on visual imagery. The review prominently features scenic elements, costume elements, and the movement. I would love to see this production, not just for the fresh perspective, but the powerful images.