CMU School of Drama

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Interview Tip: BoA Exec on Answering Key Question About 'Initiative' Virgin founder Richard Branson has said that asking people "what didn't you get the chance to include on your CV?" helps him gain a better understanding of a candidate. Oprah Winfrey's "What's your spiritual practice?" aims to bring out a person's "inner relationship with themself."


Natalie Lawton said...

I love this question, it can be intimidating but I think it shows a lot about the type of person you are. I would answer this question with the story of why I joined my high school theatre department. I joined my department because I needed an after-school activity but I was afraid of my director. Rather than moving on, I decided to jump in and take the leap into theatre. It turned out to be the best decision I ever made. Part of what I like about this article is that it stresses that you need to be your "authentic self." This can help alleviate a lot of the stress that comes with an interview because you are allowed to just do what feels right rather than what someone would want you to say. Interviews are hard. They expect you to put your life on display usually multiple times and you are relying on them to like you for an opportunity.

Sidney R. said...

Asking about initiative seems like a solid interview questions. It's not too vague and it's not too specific, and you can probably answer in a way that caters to that specific company. I find the title of this article a bit gimmicky though because there really is no certain way to answer this questions. It's so specific to each individual. I also wonder how much every company cares about outside interests. I'd like to think they do, but it doesn't always seem like the case, especially in a company as corporate as a bank. Although, in most interviews I've had, some sort of discussion about my life beyond the company has occurred. This past year when I was interviewing for the summer, the manager I was interviewing with was happy to hear me ask a question about life outside of the workspace and what people do on the weekends of this tiny summer stock.