CMU School of Drama

Friday, October 08, 2021

Kennedy Center IATSE Local 22 Members Vote To Potentially Strike After 16 months of negotiations, stagehands at Washington's John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts unanimously voted to strike today, in response to plans by the performing arts center's management to slash wages 40 percent, eliminate jobs along other related cuts and changes to working conditions - per a statement made today from the union.

1 comment:

Victor Gutierrez said...

That deadline article did not mention the wage cut was 40 percent. That is an absurd amount to cut wages for stagehands. At that point, you are completely undervaluing the unique skillset that a stagehand has to have and are probably paying comparable to starting salaries at local restaurants. I fully support this strike. It is so important that all stagehands and technical theater workers support each other as they demand the “real world” treat its workers better, and this can serve as in important lesson for all students interested in this field about the power they have when then unite as a collective force. School of Drama models itself in a lot of ways after how the professional industry operates. Something I fundamentally take issue with since we are a learning institution first and foremost. However, in this case, I say let’s model our behavior after our “real world” counterparts and lets also demand better for ourselves.