CMU School of Drama

Monday, January 21, 2019

FilmLA Reports 2018 as the Second Strongest Year for On-Location Filming in L.A.

Below the Line: FilmLA, a non-profit organization and the official film office of the city and county of Los Angeles that works to streamline and enhance on-location filmmaking process for communities and content creators, has reported the year 2018 as the second strongest year for on-location filming in Greater Los Angeles.

1 comment:

Ella R said...

This is kinda awesome. Growing up in New York City we often have onsite filming all over the city. I know that it’s decently easily to do onsite filming in New York because the city wants the revenue for local businesses that a film crew brings in, however, I’m unsure what the rules are in relation to LA and the businesses there. It’s awesome to see a statistical rise in onsite filming because that means that there wasn’t a need to waste environmental resources and build a fake version of something that already exists. The fact that 2018 was 5% greater than 2017 in onsite film and television production for the greater Los Angeles area due to the California Film & Tax Credit program is really awesome. I know that places like New York and Atlanta have similar successful programs, so it’s nice to see California follow suit. I wonder if this potentially could help environmentally when considering building physical sets compared to shooting on location?