CMU School of Drama

Friday, January 25, 2019

The Top 13 Gantt Charts To Consider For Your Business

Clickup Blog: Gantt charts are flexible charts that provide a comprehensive look at the status of every project.

You’ll also see how your projects and individual tasks overlap and connect on your daily work schedule.

1 comment:

Julian G. said...

I think when considering gantt chart software there are two main factors to look at it. The first is how easy it is to set up the gantt chart and the second is how easy it is to make it into a presentable PDF document. For example, Microsoft Project is great for setting up a chart (in my experience) and it makes it very easy to link tasks and then have one change cascade through the whole chart. But, it looks pretty terrible (in my opinion) for presentational purposes, and for longer timeline charts it becomes very difficult to present at all. It is hard to tell from these descriptions how easy the software really is to use, but in terms of presentation most of them seem nicer than Microsoft Project. Some of them border on feeling almost cutesy, but I really do like the wide bars and different colors, it makes the document easier to look at and understand. I’d definitely like to give some of these a try, maybe I will for the ones that have a free trial version.