CMU School of Drama

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Prolight & Sound Shanghai - First Impressions This year, Prolight + Sound Shanghai has seemingly surprised everybody, not only in terms of its exceptional organisation. Our journalists are already working to capture the rumours and news stemming from the far east, at a show that is generating increasing levels of excitement.

1 comment:

APJS said...

I am so glad the Entertanmant industry is expanding, with new technology and standards in implications and safety and quality. I know this will greatly impact Asian counties in a positive way. I have notice this change within just this last year while touring a children's theatre show. I was the first to play in several new buildings around the region. A common problem I noticed, was that the standard for safety and rigging, specifically, I have seen and herd many sorries of unsafe practices. For example, having riggers climb out on to Ibeams with out harnesses and fall protection, as well as hiring untrained professional. I think that is the biggest take away for me. To have a place in the region where people can be trained in rigging could and should start a standard of practice for rigging starts.