CMU School of Drama

Monday, October 30, 2017

2017 Disney Accelerator Demo Day Showcases Innovators in Technology

InPark Magazine: The fourth annual Disney Accelerator Demo Day provided a glimpse into the future of media and entertainment, as 11 companies from a range of areas such as esports, location-based entertainment, robotics, media production and distribution, messaging commerce, and real-time entertainment presented their businesses to investors, Disney executives and other industry leaders.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

We live in an age of tremendous innovation and technological marvel. Titanic changes are sweeping every industry from finance to manufacturing and beyond. Unsurprisingly, the entertainment industry is ripe with opportunities for changes to manifest themselves in the coming years that will likely change many aspects of entertainment as we know it. Disney’s showcase allowed the world to see many of the new innovations that are going to come about in the entertainment industry. As the brilliant Bob Iger said there is a lot of excitement around these potential technological advances. These new technologies will open up many doors for artists to find interesting and inventive ways to tell stories and provide audiences with an impactful message. Many of these startups are brimming with the potential to change the industry. However, we must be cognizant of the fact that these new technologies may pose risks to many of the working class crew that are a currently a necessary part of the industry. As these technologies take shape, they may begin to supplant workers from manual labor jobs that are now done by a computer.