CMU School of Drama

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

TAIT-ED LOVE - A Chat with James “Winky” Fairorth - Metallica

​ Here’s a name which is vital to all Metallica does on the road: TAIT Towers. TAIT is listed in a google search as a “machining manufacturer,” but as if to underscore how t’internet can never be trusted as an accurate source, that woefully undersells a company which helps design, constructs, and delivers live productions. It is the company which has realized Metallica’s adventurous live designs for over two decades, and TAIT manages such matters for many of the world’s most famous acts including U2, Madonna, Kanye, and Justin Timberlake. They do it from a small town in Pennsylvania, Lititz, and the chances are you will have absolutely no idea how much of their work you have actually witnessed.

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