CMU School of Drama

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Cara Delevingne’s Allegations About Harvey Weinstein Feel Awfully Familiar About a year after I graduated from college, I lived in Paris for a few months, working as an unpaid intern for a small film festival and ignoring all my student loans. That’s where I met a girl I’ll call E.

1 comment:

Joss Green said...

This article reveals something about my queerness in straight spaces that I have found to be very true. At the end of the day, presenting as femme and dating people who are also femme is unsafe. You field uncomfortable propositions, condemnations and even physical threats. Queerness is nasty and unseemly in public yet desirable in private.
I think the most interesting part of this article to me is the discussion of the demonization of people in lesbian or lesbian presenting relationships. The police has systematically been a place for violent men to work if they occasionally want a power trip when they could beat marginalized people and ensure that those people will go to jail rather than the police officers. The police are not friends of the LGBT community and never have been: the events detailed in this piece make that very clear. Men in places of power where people feel obligated to listen to them have the ability to do quite a lot as has been seen in numerous social experiments.
Ultimately, I don't think the problems in this article will find a solution. Queerness, at least in my mind, is in some part defined by its diversion from the mainstream. Straight people will continue to fetishize and demonize the queer experience as Long as it keeps its namesake. As long as it is Queer.